Week Four Assignments
Week 4 - Readings and Objectives
Reading assignments for the week:
Chapter 4 in Ethics in Information Technology.
Supplemental resource:
Watching You Watching Me: Nanotechnology and Civil Liberties. A film available via our library - check out the folder in Course Documents and then Films on Demand and you'll find links to this and other videos in our library.
Learning objectives for the week:
Describe legal protections for privacy.
Examine key issues and current events connected to privacy protections and boundaries.
Write an essay which defends a position on an issue.
This week:
Most Americans say that they are strongly in favor of privacy. We are a people who generally don't want anyone snooping around in our private affairs. Indeed, we have numerous laws governing privacy issues.
Yet, we often give up privacy in exchange for security, or for shopping convenience, or for a job which monitors us. We also give up privacy sometimes without really knowing that we gave something up. This chapter goes through quite a list of ways in which privacy is compromised as well as protected.
The purpose of this chapter is to educate ourselves on privacy laws as well as instances where privacy can be secondary to other concerns. Remember, our eye is on ethics. You should be better able to make ethical decisions related to privacy after completing this chapter. At least you will be better educated about the background of the issues involved when faced with decisions.
Looking for an interesting perspective on the topics for the week? Check out the supplemental resource listed above. It is a great way to find ideas to add to your discussion postings for the week.
Have you finished the readings for the week? Then let's get started on the weekly assignments.
Week 4 - Video Overview
A brief video about our upcoming week.
Week 4 - Thought for the Week
“The closing of a door can bring blessed privacy and comfort - the opening, terror. Conversely, the closing of a door can be a sad and final thing - the opening a wonderfully joyous moment.” - Andy Rooney
There is no assignment associated with this item, just a chance to pause and ponder.
Week 4 - Image for the Week
Design sketch of telephone, from the papers of Alexander Graham Bell, in the public domain in the Library of Congress. There is no assignment associated with this item, just a chance to pause and ponder.
Week 4 - Chapter 4 Quiz
Read the assigned chapter this week in Ethics in Information Technology and then click on the link above to start the quiz.
The quizzes are a self-assessment and a participation grade. This means that you can take the quizzes as many times as you need in order to earn the grade you deserve. The idea is to allow you to self-test your reading comprehension.
The quiz scores will be recorded each week, so be sure to take the quizzes in the weeks they are assigned. If you get a low score, then reread the material and take the quiz again.
Week 4 Forum - Main Posting
Choose ONE of the following topics for your main discussion posting for the week. Generally, it takes several solid paragraphs for your main posting. Remember to provide a reference if you used a source for your information. Also, remember not to copy and paste from your sources - summarize and analyze in your own words.
Read the news story on computer privacy at this link. By the way, they have a 'View Interactive' feature that is handy for novices. Relate the information in the news story to the concepts discussed in our readings for the week. http://www.newson6.com/Global/story.asp?S=9195964
Select one of the videos at this site which you think might be useful to your classmates. Tell us about the video and explain how it is related to the concepts discussed in our readings for the week. http://movielibrary.lynda.com/html/modPage.asp?ID=190
The textbook discusses sunset provisions for the US Patriot Act. Find additional information outside of the textbook and give us an update on the current status of the US Patriot Act. Don't forget to tell us the source of your additional information.
Find out about email policies at your place of employment. Specifically, how long are emails kept? Is the email system monitored for content or just for performance? And, how are employees informed about email policies?
Describe customer profiling. What ethical boundaries do you see for this practice? Support your opinion with a source besides your textbook.
Compare and contrast the European Union and the United States' philosophies on data privacy. Which approach do you think is better? Why?
Summarize the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution. Does it apply to the actions of private industry? Support your opinion with a source besides your textbook.
Your spouse tells you that your 18 year old son, a senior in high school, seems to be up to no good on the laptop computer that he received from Grandpa for Christmas. It looks like he might have a gambling problem as well as some questionable new friends. Your spouse is not good with computers and asks you to install some monitoring software to find out what is going on. Are there any laws covering this situation? Would you help your spouse install the software? Ethically, why or why not?
Please see the information in the Assessment area of Course Documents if you aren't sure what a good discussion posting looks like.
This assignment is due in the Week 4 Forum at least two days before the end of our academic week.
Week 4 Forum - Additional Postings
Post at least two additional messages during the week - more than two are always welcome. Typically, these messages are replies to your fellow students, or you can ask about details in the readings that puzzle you. See the assessment guide for more details if you aren't sure what a good posting looks like.
Post at least two additional messages in the Week 4 Forum before the end of our academic week.
Week 4 Homework
You are at a cocktail party. Someone says, "We have no privacy laws anymore. These new computers can find out anything about anybody and there is nothing we can do about it." Someone else says, "No, that's not true. There are laws to protect us." A third person says, "Hey, you took a class on cyberethics at Bellevue University. What do you think. Do we still have a right to privacy today?"
Naturally, you set your drink down and retreat to your laptop to compose a response (one page, single-spaced, with a blank line between paragraphs). You emerge from your temporary seclusion and distribute your statement to all of the party-goers.
Submit that document to your instructor via the link below. Be sure this Word-compatible file is submitted before the end of our academic week.
Week 4 - Optional Step Two of Commercial (not graded)
Baby bunnies.jpg (126.854 Kb)
Bottle Bunny.jpg (32.074 Kb)
Burrow bunnies.jpg (49.015 Kb)
Car Bunnies.jpg (40.225 Kb)
Carrot Bunny.jpg (47.931 Kb)
carrots.jpg (123.741 Kb)
Dog Bunny.jpg (39.906 Kb)
Gathering bunnies.jpg (81.403 Kb)
giant_bunny.jpg (42.001 Kb)
People bunnies.jpg (125.805 Kb)
pos-never_better.mp3 (5.392 Mb)
rabbit_wolf.jpg (55.121 Kb)
rabbitFood.jpg (29.907 Kb)
Snow bunnies.jpg (89.39 Kb)
Standing bunny.jpg (66.588 Kb)
tough bunny.jpg (65.827 Kb)
wolf bunny.jpg (77.793 Kb)
I encourage you to give Photo Story 3 or your preferred multimedia authoring tool a try. Make a story. It doesn't have to be the greatest commercial ever made. It just gives you a chance to try out the software and see what it can do. Think of this as a no-pressure chance to tinker. There is a Week 4 Optional Practice Commercial discussion board set up if you would like to practice.
Attached are a bunch of pictures of bunnies and a bag of rabbit food. I grabbed them from the Internet because people seem to like to post pictures of bunnies. I also included a .mp3 song so that you can tinker with adding music to a video (feel free to use any .mp3 file). See if you can make a commercial. You don't need to use all of the photos. You can add some of your own if desired. The important thing is to try it out.
Photo Story 3 has a "wizard" that walks you through step-by-step. The only tricky part for many students is saving the video in the correct location and then uploading the correct file. See the instructional video in Course Documents if a visual is helpful.
This assignment is optional and not graded. Feel free to post a video file in the Week 4 Optional Practice Commercial if you are interested.
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William Favre Slater, III
ISO 20000, ITIL v3, Cloud Computing Foundation
Project Manager / Program Manager
CIS 537 Blog: http://cis537-wfs.blogspot.com
Chicago, IL
United States of America
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